Bob Cassidy Fundamentals Pdf Printer

The Thirty-Nine Steps to Mentalism This is an excerpt from Bob Cassidy's exceptional Fundamentals ebook. Many consider this ebook the best Bob has ever written. It lists Bob's 39 most important magic books to study to achieve mastery in mentalism.
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Bob's e-books are no longer an instant download, nor an auto-generated e-mail, and this is clearly stated on his site. Due to a bunch of people taking advantage of security flaws in the way the basic PayPal autodownload system works, Bob stopped using it.too many people were downloading the books without paying for them. To do an auto-response with download instructions/an attached file is very complicated technologically. We do it at but only thanks to the fact that my partner in the site, Andi Gladwin, is a computer programmer and was able to custom program the system to do it (and occasionally the system still screws up and we have to send info manually).
For the average magic retailer, it's beyond their abilities. Download Game Billiard Untuk Hp Blackberry. So, instead, Bob manually sends out the instructions. Sometimes he's very quick at replying to e-mails, other times it takes a day or two. If it's been more than a couple days with no reply, try writing him again, and you will eventually get it. I'm not going to be one of the apologizers who says, 'This is just the way with Bob, you'll have to learn to deal with it, it's the price you pay for his genius,' or something like that. It's not, in my opinion, a good way to run a business, but it's the way Bob is; it's frustrating, but we have to deal with it and understand it before we choose whether or not to buy.
I can easily put myself into Bob's shoes, too. As a result of my ADD, I often find myself fighting to get around to sending orders out in a timely fashion, sending the right orders out, etc. Usually I can get it under control enough to not tick too many people off, LOL, but occasionally things slip and I do my best to apologize and make good. So don't think that I'm bashing Bob at all. I completely understand where he's coming from (I'm not saying Bob has ADD, I wouldn't know; I'm just saying that, for my own reasons, I find myself fighting a personal problem that leads me to similar business troubles to those that Bob displays if I don't keep on top of things). I'm just stating facts for the record so that the buyer can beware:o) --A. I never said I don't get frustrated, and after three months, I would not only be upset, I'd be calling the postal service to file a complaint.
My post was not meant to excuse or to say that you should not get upset if you don't get stuff in a timely fashion. Canon P100 Dhii Manual High School. It was just to say that his e-books may take a few days, so don't be concerned right away. If you're waiting three months for a product to be mailed, that's too much, and you should be doing something about it, not just sitting back and waiting.