Microsoft Maps Pushpin

Ravan Mmorpg Mafia Game Script V12 Nulled Php. In Bing Maps an Infobox (or popup) is just another entity that you can treat just like a pushpin. This gives a lot of flexibility in what can be done with the Infobox class. For example, if you want to mark a point on the map you can simply use an infobox instead of a pushpin.
I regularly come across developers who run into issue that when they zoom the map in and out the pushpin appears to drift to and from the coordinate in which is meant to represent. The reason for this is that most of the time the information for how to offset the pushpin relative to the coordinate is the top left corner of the pushpin image or control. Darshan Diana Eck Pdf Printer there. Correcting this in Bing Maps V7 This is a fairly easy issue to resolve. In the Bing Maps v7 control the default anchor point for a pushpin is 12px to the left and 36px up. For example: If you are using a custom pushpin with the Bing Maps v7 map control you can specify the width, height and an anchor offset value as options when creating the pushpin. If you don’t set the width and height values and your image is larger than the default pushpin icon it will be clipped. The following code shows how can set the anchor property of the pushpin to offset it such that the tip of the pushpin aligns with the coordinate on the map. Hp Compaq 6200 Invalid Electronic Serial Number.