Install Mysql Module Php Windows Installation
On Windows hosts libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll have to be path-accessible for php_curl.dll to work correctly. Copying them into System32 (or even into the Windows main directory) is a bad hack (and does not even work with newer PHP versions). The right way to do it, is to add the PHP path to the Windows *Path* variable. In *Control Panel* -->*System* click on *Advanced System Settings* and use the button *Environment Variables*. Under *System Variables* you will find the *Path* variable.
Main page Installation Manual install on Windows 7 with Apache and MySQL. Run the installation. Install MySQL products. That the module dll in PHP. Windows 10 has been released on the world and so an updated how to guide for installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on the latest release. In this post like previous we will cover installing all the programs individually.
Edit it and append `;C:/PHP` to it - or whatever the path to your PHP root folder is. == Problem Consider the following from an httpd.conf file. LoadModule php5_module 'E:/xyz/php/php5apache2_2.dll' PHPIniDir 'E:/xyz/php'.which led to the dreaded. PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'E: xyz php ext php_mysql.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
Note, however, that PHP.exe apparently was found and executed php pages in Apache, but the MySQL functions therein failed. == Solution Because PHP dir was not in $PATH, php5apache2_2.dll failed to find php_mysql.dll (the only extension I enabled) during Apache 2.2 start.
== Caveat (!) The BIG issue is that, setting $PATH in. My Computer Properties Advanced Environment Variables.didn't export the $PATH change such that restarting the Apache service (in MMC) would pick it up. So I tested the working solution (adding PHP dir to $PATH), but it failed because of HOW I set it. It succeeded only when I REBOOTED after changing the $PATH.
There may be an easier way that this, but I do not know it at present. == Comment Consider whether PHP dir should need to be in $PATH at all, when PHP.exe apparently was found and executes php pages in Apache, but php5apache2_2.dll failed to find whatever was needed to load the extensions. This should perhaps be addressed. Note that on a WAMP installation (W2K,Apache,MySQL,PHP), only PHP is required in $PATH.
I just recently tried to upgrade my php install on WinXP using the php-5.2.6-win32-installer.msi and with fingers crossed, tried to see if things still worked or not. Unfortunately, they didn't. I did see many posts here and elsewhere on the web regarding the error message: 'Unable to load dynamic link library 'ext php_xxxxx.dll' - The specified module could not be found.' Php. Download Latest Hp Mediasmart Dvd Software And Driver. net says in the past when upgrading to simply copy over new php files, but now recommends using the windows installer. Maybe the installer isn't quite up to the task yet. Completely uninstall current version of php (using Windows Control Panel >Add or Remove Programs).

Download the current php binaries for Windows (at under Windows Binaries). Should be format: PHP 5.x.x zip package. Again, download the binaries, NOT the installer. Follow these easy steps 4. Set your PATH for Windows to find php (if you haven't already): a. Right-click on My Computer b.
Properties c. Advanced Tab >Environment Variables d. Under System variables, scroll down to find 'Path', select and click on Edit e. Add path to your php install on the end (make sure to precede with semi-colon ';'). Mine was ';G: Apache php' f. (then 'Okay' on each of the other open windows).
Test php install. (see ricocheting link above for testing). Getting the extensions to work again: a.
Open php.ini b. Uncomment each extension, restart Apache. Special note on libmysql.dll and problems getting MySQL to work: - You may have copied over this file into your Windows/System32 (or WINNT/System32 for me) to get mysql to work in the past. Hp D530 Microcode Update Software. If so, replace it with the most recent version you get with the upgrade (in top dir).
- If this is a fresh install, copy the libmysql.dll into your System32 folder. Couple notes: 1. The above tutorial link is to install php 5.x on Apache 2.2 for Win. If you're running Apache 2.0 like me, pay special attention to 'Editing Apache Conf File' for correct LoadModule info. If you ran the installer previously, double check your Apache conf where the php5 LoadModule stuff is. The installer might have messed with this a bit.
I hope this stuff helps. Note that if you're trying to install PECL HTTP on Windows, you will need to install: - php_http - php_ssh2 - php_propro - php_raphf Make sure that all plug-ins were compiled for your version of PHP (version number, whether or not it's thread-safe, etc). Otherwise, they will fail to load. The version of PHP that comes with Acquia Dev Desktop is the thread-safe version, so all plug-ins must be thread safe (TS). I had to use an older release of php_http (2.3.2) to get the TS version. For the other extensions, I had to make sure some of them loaded BEFORE php_http in the php.ini file: extension=php_propro.dll extension=php_raphf.dll extension=php_http.dll. Installing PHP extensions for IIS for the first time is sort of a baptism by fire -- you will get your hands dirty, and other suitable metaphors of nastiness.