Free Hp Smart Update Manager Iso Programs

In offline mode, the Smart Update Firmware DVD boots a small Linux kernel and enables firmware updates to take place on a single server using the embedded HP Smart Update Manager software. Because of the special boot environment, support for remote servers and hosts is not available.
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• HP Smart Update Manager Release NotesVersion 6.3. • © Copyright 2012, 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Open source software•OpenPegasus version 2.10.0For more information, see the OpenPegasus website at version 2.11For more information, see the Mongoose website at more information, see the open-WSMan website at version 1.2. • Version6.3.0Update recommendationRequired update to HP SUM 6.3.1. Maaya Sakamoto Hotchpotch Rar there. SupersedesHP SUM version 6.3.0 has been replaced with HP SUM version 6.3.1 because a potential securityvulnerability, CVE-2014-0160, has been found.
HP SUM version 6.3.0 includes an affected OpenSSLversion with the vulnerability known as 'Heartbleed' that could be exploited remotely resulting indisclosure of information. • ModeDescriptionincludes add nodes and baselines, deploy nodes, get component logs, andgenerating reports. For more information, see the HP Smart Update ManagerUser Guide, or issue the command hpsum /h from the directory where yousaved HP SUM.Operating systems and devicesHP SUM deploymentThe following table describes which operating systems run HP SUM, and to which nodes HP SUM candeploy updates. • Supported bundles•HP SPP and related supplements – The minimum HP SPP version is 2013.09.0 (B)•HP Integrity bundles – HP SUM 6.3.
• •/lib64/•/lib64/•/lib64/•/lib64/ Components also have dependencies which need to be met. HP SUM may not be awarethat there is a missing library dependency until it attempts to deploy the component.
This may occurfor a limited number of cases. If you view a Return Code = 7 error in the component log file, youare likely running on a 64-bit Linux operating system and don’t have the required 32-bit dependencieson your system. • •samba◦•uuidd◦•/usr/bin/ipmitoolsudo◦•/usr/bin/psipmitool◦•/usr/bin/uuiddprocps◦•/usr/bin/ntlm_auth/usr/bin/sudo/usr/bin/modelWindows•WLDAP32.dll•OLEAUT32.dll•RPCRT4.dll•KERNEL32.dll•USER32.dll•SHELL32.dll•ole32.dll•ADVAPI32.dll•WS2_32.dll•GDI32.dllHP-UX•/usr/bin/swlist•/usr/bin/swinstallVMware ESXi operating systemsYou can update servers running VMware vSphere 5. • NOTE:•You cannot execute HP SUM locally to update a VMware vSphere node.The VMware server must be running hp-smx-provider-500.03.01.2–434156 or later.Download the providers for the appropriate version of VMware vSphere release from one of thefollowing locations:◦Version 1.3.5 and later of the HP Insight Management WBEM Provider offline bundle. Youcan download the bundle from the HP Online Depot at provider is included in version 5. • Updates for most node types require network traffic in both directions between the server running HPSUM and the node.
The server running HP SUM creates a local HTTP server, which is used to servefirmware binaries to the node and to communicate node status. The remote node issues HTTP requestsand posts status updates to the server running HP SUM during the update process. • NOTE: HP SUM 6. Cd Label Printer Canon Download here. x supports /port and /ssl_port options. This allows you to use ports otherthan 63001 and 63002. Use these options to avoid conflicts with firewalls.
HP SUM supports--open_firewall on Linux systems only. HP SUM uses the iptables command to open the HTTPand HTTPS ports used by HP SUM for external access. Open these ports for remote node functionalityand for remote browser access. For example:hpsum /port 80 /ssl_port 443Beginning with HP SUM 6.3. • 3.4.Refresh by using the command, esxcli network firewall refresh.Repeat the steps for port 63002.Special network configuration note for HP Integrity serversHP Integrity servers have management network and production interfaces.
These are usually kept onseparate subnets in an installation. To perform full remote administration of the server, access is requiredfor both networks. If you keep both networks isolated, you need to perform management and operatingsystems tasks separately. • Downloading HP SUM from the HP website1.2.3.Launch a web browser.Go to on the file that you want to download:•HP Smart Update Manager ISO – The HP SUM ISO contains HP SUM and a bootable ISOenvironment.