Download Canon Palm Printer P1-dh V Instruction Manual

Okay so you have to feed the paper through the slit in the back and put it through between the black and silver part but it takes forever! So what i did was folded a post-it note in half and then evenly taped it to the top of the roll that you use to feed into the calculator. Feed it through and hold down the feed button while pushing the paper/post it through. The post-it makes the paper less flimsy so you can push it through without the paper bending. I know it's pretty ridiculous but it works and saves a lot of time! I just successfully completed the task of loading paper into thecanon palm printer p1-dh v. My problem was that the paper was notbeing grabbed by the 'Feed' button.
I have a Canon Portable/Palm Printer P1-DH V User Guide I need to load paper how? Tried to download a manual couldn't - Answered by a verified Technician. Manual for canon palm printer P1-DH V? Sterowniki Do Drukarki Hp Psc 1510 All In One Chomikuj. Where can you download canon palm printer P1-DH V manual? Where can I get a manual for a Canon Palm Print P1 DHV Share to.
Where I was guiding the paper,after feeding the paper through the back of the machine (the slotis located on the outside of the back of the machine), the papernaturally wanted to enter underneath the black plastic plate whereit would end up underneath the entire printing mechanism. As theinstructions indicate, the paper does not actually feed 'under theblack plastic plate', it should feed through it. There are tworectangular silver tabs, one on each side of the proper paper entryslot. I cut the paper at a very slight angle (edit:actually, if youcut it into a truncated triangle, it's even easier!) and finallyfound the magic entry point. Because the machine is so tiny, thatentry slot is almost invisible, except for those two silver tabs.After you manage to insert the end of the angled cut through the'invisible slot' be sure the entire edge of the paper actuallyenters the slot so that when you push the 'Feed' button, the paperis grabbed and fished through evenly.
(edit: If the paper cannot beadvanced by the 'Feed' button, remove the plastic cover by pushingit toward the direction of the arrows on the left side which areembossed directly on the clear plastic cover and pull the papermanually. When reinstalling the cover put the front end in first,make sure the entire cover is flat to the printer case, then pushthe front slightly toward the back and finally slide the coverforward until it is seated). Canon Ir 2420 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit. Hope this helps somebody!
Hp Premium Digital Headset Software Toothpaste Two Font. more. (edit: Itsure did!) I found that folding the end of the paper into an arrowand then watching the feed button rotate, I could then easily seewhere the paper should be inserted. With it folded like that, itwent in like a hot knife in butter. Your answer did the trick for me! I have also found it easier tostore the paper inside the machine, using the arm only whenprintouts get really long, just to prevent accidentally enteringthe back slot.
Works much better than having the roll fall off andunravel. I found a washer about an inch in diameter with the hole in themiddle just large (or small) enough to fit over the paper arm.
Itholds the roll on and since it has to be tilted to fit on the armit wont fall off while handling the printer. BTW.your solutionkept me from trashing this great little printing calculator. Take of the top 'cover', to allow access to the paper loading area. Put the roll of paper on the arm, paper roll facing your chest, so the paper is going away from you, towards the keypad.