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Amazing PHP News Script Features PHP NEWS SCRIPT is an amazing publishing tool to assist webmasters to add a very good looking News Section on their web site. The key advantage is that it gives very ENRICHING EXPERIENCE to your visitors. Once you install it, you can then define categories and post articles into those categories thru WYSIWYG interface in the admin panel. Visitors can then post comments for each article and discuss them. You have Full Control over the web site content.

Plus there is very good ANTI-SPAM mechanism to avoid spam robot comment submissions. All in all it has everything you can look for in a publish news script. Do not trust our word, just check full online demo of both front end and back end to judge for yourself the sheer quality difference in our script. Plus it does not cut your pocket:-). Why I MUST use this news script on my web site? Today the biggest online traffic generators are search engines like google. And every site needs quality traffic.
Epson Network Software & Driver Package Sx445w. The amount of traffic coming from search engines is critical for any online venture. Picture Style Canon Cinestyle 600d Download. Amount of search engine traffic you get can simply make or break your online business.
You just cannot compensate for it thru any paid traffic. To get traffic from these search engines, key components are: A) good content and B) its presentation in a search engine friendly manner. Basically our publish news script solves this part of the jigsaw puzzle. It is a search engine friendly way of sharing quality info with your visitors.
We believe this software forms a key component of your SUPURHIT WEBSITE!!
I (although a developer of a dating script) will always recommend: GO CUSTOM. I will not advertise our software, because this advertisement would be false.
There is no BEST dating script. All dating scripts are not unique. Yes, abledating has more features than the others, but what of it? We develop abledating at and have this site also: Here you can order a completely unique solution, not to over-saturate the web with clones of different dating software scripts.
There is only one piece of advice one can give here: GO CUSTOM!!! Get an open source solution and change it until it is unique. Of cource it is easier to do this when you have a script with a lot of features like abledating from the beginning. But it can be any other software script. Skadate, Boonex, PHPFox, whatever. But make your homework, imagine what you would like your site to look like.
And answer one simple quiestion: WHY THE HECK WILL THE USER USE MY SITE AND NOT ALL THE REST OUT THERE?!! HI Dont be cheated from, The person called nadir ali shah uses nulled scripts of others and resale to others. He is having so many b2b and scripts which is not properly made by him.
I will request moderator to pervent such kind posting, Moderator should suspend his account and delete his all posts from the such kind big forums where people find some good. If this will go on lot of guys may be purchase third class scripts and might be cheated from him. Regards soft biz scripts. HI Dont be cheated from, The person called nadir ali shah uses nulled scripts of others and resale to others. He is having so many b2b and scripts which is not properly made by him. I will request moderator to pervent such kind posting, Moderator should suspend his account and delete his all posts from the such kind big forums where people find some good.
If this will go on lot of guys may be purchase third class scripts and might be cheated from him. Regards soft biz scripts.