Abs Tc-100 Thermal Printer Driver
Black Copper Turbo Thermal Receipt Printer 3 inch with Auto Cutter Model # BC-85AC. BC85AC Super Fastest Thermal Printer. More details Tweet Share Google+. >Black Copper BC-85AC Thermal Receipt Printer Turbo Driver Download >Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 & Windows 10 Supported. Jay Retail Systems, LLC. Printer housing: ABS, black. JAY Printer Driver Software v2.1 (Direct Thermal Printers).

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Printing on PVC cards differs in many ways from printing on paper and therefore requires specific technology. The Matica XID8100 retransfer printer is the perfect solution for the regular day-to-day demand to personalize all kind of PVC cards. Due to the retransfer printing technology, the XID8100 can print over-the-edge without any limitations to the PVC card design and graphic layout. The proven modular concept enables the PVC card printer to follow upgrade demands at any time.
As a standard, the XID8100 is coming in a single side version, but various additional modules, such as flipper module, bend remedy module as well as a selection of encoders can be added on demand. A wide choice of in-line lamination modules to further protect the card against any physical impact or to make it even more secure, can be attached to the PVC card printer.
The retransfer technology allows the printer to print on all kind of card materials, such as PVC, ABS, PET, hybrid card constructions and even Polycarbonate. The lockable hopper and the front-loading system with replaceable cartridges for the ribbon and the retransfer film make changing the supplies fast and simple. To connect the Matica XID8100 to a PC the USB and Ethernet interfaces are available as a standard. All necessary information about the PVC printer and its status are shown on the LCD display and the settings can be altered using the 4 push buttons right below the LCD display. The print engine is based on a metal frame chassis, hence it is a very solid and precise printing module.
The compact and attractive design make the XID8100 fit into any office environment and offers an outstanding price-value performance. Latest Google Drive Api Php File 2016 And Software 2016. As all retransfer printers from Matica Technologies, the XID8100 comes with a life time warranty for the print head when using the proper consumables from Matica. For more information about the XID8100 and the PVC card printer price please contact our offices.