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Cards Term As-Built (Drawings) Definition Usually refers to drawings prepared after construction and describe the actual construction of a project. Term Bid Definition A written agreement between an organization or party (such as a hospital) to enter into a contract in which labor, and possibly materials are provided and specified within the document. Drivers Epson Tm-p2 01 Windows 7. Term Bid Documents Definition Written and graphic documents prepared by the architect used to aid bid preparation. Which might include CD's, specs, instructions to the bidder and a bid form. Term Bid Negotiation Phase Definition The phase in which the project team solicits project fees for construction services. Cara Instal Driver Epson L210 Di Linux here. Term Commissioning Definition Quality-oriented process for acheiving, verifying, and documenting that the performance of facilities, systems and assemblies meets defined objectives and criteria. Term Construction Documents Definition Drawings and specifications produced by an architect that detail the requirements for the construction of the project.